Montessori Certified Lead Teacher

Summary of Position:

We seek a Montessori Lead teacher who will understand and promote the school’s mission, vision, policies, and procedures both within and outside the immediate school community. The teacher is responsible for providing a Montessori classroom instructional program that supports the individual needs of the children in accordance with the school’s mission and vision.

Primary Responsibilities:

Planning, Preparation & Instruction-
The teacher creates instruction that supports the development of the cognitive, emotional, social and physical growth of the child.

Classroom Environment & Management-
The teacher is responsible for preparing an environment that meets the sensitive period/plane of development of the children he/she works with.

The teacher uses various assessment tools/strategies such as observations, children’s work samples, continuums of development, portfolios, etc. to help make instructional decisions for individual students.

The teacher is responsible for communication that supports an understanding of the school’s program, develops positive relationships within the school community, and protects the privacy and confidentiality of each student and family in the school community.

Professional Responsibility-
The teacher is involved in ongoing self-assessment, reflection and refinement of practice in the classroom as well as collaborative professional growth.

Candidates will have a Bachelor’s degree, AMI or AMS credential, experience working with 3-6 year olds, and strong written/verbal communication skills.

To apply, please send a cover letter and resume to

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