Infant Daycare Program
Our Montessori-based Infant daycare program ensures a nurturing, safe, and healthy environment. Our program is also a place where children feel loved and are encouraged to explore their environment. Unlike traditional daycare, our programs focuses on development of the whole child.Toddlers Daycare Program
Our Toddler daycare program helps children develop their cognitive skills, motor skills, sensory skills, language skills, practical life skills, and social skills. Toddlers at our schools will also begin their transition into the Pre-primary preschool classroom. For instance, they do this by working with activities from the five Montessori areas of Language, Math, Practical Life, Sensorial and Cultural Studies.Daily Schedule
Daily Schedule
Infants Schedule
Children Arrive
- Greeting
- Routine Care (feeding, diapering, sleeping)
- Self-directed activities in learning areas
- Circle time (Music & Movement, Calendar and Story Time)
- Nap for some, routine care for others
- Planned play: teacher-directed activities for some, self-directed for others
- Outdoor walk/play
Late Morning
- Lunch
- Nap for some, routine care for others
- Teacher-directed activities for infants who are awake
- Routine care
- Nap for some
- Teacher-directed activities for infants who are awake
- Outdoor walk/play
Late Afternoon
- Songs, finger play, music and movement, story time
- Self-directed activities in learning areas
- Routine care
Toddlers Schedule
Children Arrive
- Greeting
- Routine Care (breakfast, diapering/potty)
- Self-directed activities in learning areas
- Circle time (Music & Movement, Calendar and Story Time)
- Planned Play: teacher-directed activities for some, self-directed for others
- Snack
- Outdoor play
Late Morning
- Lunch
- Nap for some
- Teacher-directed activities for toddlers who are awake
- Routine care
- Snack
- Teacher-directed activities for some, self-directed for other
- Outdoor play
Late Afternoon
- Songs, finger play, music and movement, story time
- Self-directed activities in learning areas
- Routine care
Infants Program
Cognitive Skills
Motor Skills
Sensory Skills
Practical Life Skills
Language Skills
Social Skills
Toddlers Program
Sensory Skills
Motor Skills
Cognitive Skills
Practical Life Skills
Language Skills
Social Skills
Daily Schedule
Infants Schedule
Children Arrive
- Greeting
- Routine Care (feeding, diapering, sleeping)
- Self-directed activities in learning areas
- Circle time (Music & Movement, Calendar and Story Time)
- Nap for some, routine care for others
- Planned play: teacher-directed activities for some, self-directed for others
- Outdoor walk/play
Late Morning
- Lunch
- Nap for some, routine care for others
- Teacher-directed activities for infants who are awake
- Routine care
- Nap for some
- Teacher-directed activities for infants who are awake
- Outdoor walk/play
Late Afternoon
- Songs, finger play, music and movement, story time
- Self-directed activities in learning areas
- Routine care
Toddlers Schedule
Children Arrive
- Greeting
- Routine Care (breakfast, diapering/potty)
- Self-directed activities in learning areas
- Circle time (Music & Movement, Calendar and Story Time)
- Planned Play: teacher-directed activities for some, self-directed for others
- Snack
- Outdoor play
Late Morning
- Lunch
- Nap for some
- Teacher-directed activities for toddlers who are awake
- Routine care
- Snack
- Teacher-directed activities for some, self-directed for other
- Outdoor play
Late Afternoon
- Songs, finger play, music and movement, story time
- Self-directed activities in learning areas
- Routine care
Infants Program
Cognitive Skills
Motor Skills
Sensory Skills
Practical Life Skills
Language Skills
Social Skills
Toddlers Program
Sensory Skills
Motor Skills
Cognitive Skills
Practical Life Skills
Language Skills
Social Skills
Program Locations
Request Information
Infant & Toddler Program (6 wks – 2 yrs)
Infant Daycare Program
Our Montessori-based Infant daycare program ensures a nurturing, safe, and healthy environment. Our program is also a place where children feel loved and are encouraged to explore their environment. Unlike traditional daycare, our programs focuses on development of the whole child.
Toddlers Daycare Program
Our Toddler daycare program helps children develop their cognitive skills, motor skills, sensory skills, language skills, practical life skills, and social skills. Toddlers at our schools will also begin their transition into the Pre-primary preschool classroom. For instance, they do this by working with activities from the five Montessori areas of Language, Math, Practical Life, Sensorial and Cultural Studies.
Infant & Toddler Program Available At:
Infants Program
Toddlers Program
Daily Schedule
Infant Schedule
Children Arrive
- Greeting
- Routine Care (feeding, diapering, sleeping)
- Self-directed activities in learning areas
- Circle time (Music & Movement, Calendar and Story Time)
Toddler Schedule
Children Arrive
- Greeting
- Routine care (breakfast, diapering or going to the potty)
- Self-directed activities in learning areas
- Circle time (Music & Movement, Calendar and Story Time)
- Nap for some, routine care for others
- Planned play: teacher-directed activities for some, self-directed for others
- Outdoor walk/play
- Planned Play: teacher-directed activities for some, self-directed for others
- Snack
- Outdoor play
Late Morning
- Lunch
- Nap for some, routine care for others
- Teacher-directed activities for infants who are awake
Late Morning
- Lunch
- Nap for some
- Teacher-directed activities for toddlers who are awake
- Routine care
- Nap for some
- Teacher-directed activities for infants who are awake
- Outdoor walk/play
- Routine care
- Snack
- Teacher-directed activities for some, self-directed for other
- Outdoor play
Late Afternoon
- Songs, finger play, music and movement, story time
- Self-directed activities in learning areas
- Routine care
Late Afternoon
- Songs, finger play, music and movement, story time
- Self-directed activities in learning areas
- Routine care
Infants Daycare Schedule
Children Arrive
- Greeting
- Routine Care (feeding, diapering, sleeping)
- Self-directed activities in learning areas
- Circle time (Music & Movement, Calendar and Story Time)
- Nap for some, routine care for others
- Planned play: teacher-directed activities for some, self-directed for others
- Outdoor walk/play
Late Morning
- Lunch
- Nap for some, routine care for others
- Teacher-directed activities for infants who are awake
- Routine care
- Nap for some
- Teacher-directed activities for infants who are awake
- Outdoor walk/play
Late Afternoon
- Songs, finger play, music and movement, story time
- Self-directed activities in learning areas
- Routine care
Toddler Schedule
Children Arrive
- Greeting
- Routine care (breakfast, diapering or going to the potty)
- Self-directed activities in learning areas
- Circle time (Music & Movement, Calendar and Story Time)
- Planned Play: teacher-directed activities for some, self-directed for others
- Snack
- Outdoor play
Late Morning
- Lunch
- Nap for some
- Teacher-directed activities for toddlers who are awake
- Routine care
- Snack
- Teacher-directed activities for some, self-directed for other
- Outdoor play
Late Afternoon
- Songs, finger play, music and movement, story time
- Self-directed activities in learning areas
- Routine care