September 15, 2023

Elementary Program

Our Montessori Elementary school learning centers seek to develop higher-order thinking & emphasize conceptual understanding through interdisciplinary learning.


Elementary Program
Our Elementary program seeks to develop higher-order thinking and emphasize conceptual understanding through interdisciplinary learning. With a certified Montessori Elementary teacher and small class sizes (average 14:1 student to teacher ratio), children are challenged to develop critical thought, enhance oral & presentation skills and synthesize information across various subject areas in a personalized and supportive learning environment. Through a combination of individual/small group learning and independent work using the Montessori method, children are given the foundations for success for their middle and high school years. Continuing in a Montessori environment into the foundational Elementary years allows our students to further their academic progress and social & emotional development while working with familiar teachers who can provide individualized encouragement and support. We have been offering this Lower Elementary Program at our Ellicott City location for over two decades, and our students have been consistently performing 1-3 grade levels above peers in public schools. Ellicott City & Rockville offer Grades 1-3. Owings Mills, Baltimore, and Forest Hill offer Grade 1.

Practical Life

The purpose of the Montessori Practical Life activities is to help children develop their independence so that they may become fully capable and responsible adults. At the Elementary level this shifts from a focus on self-care and fine motor skills, to skills that help children connect with their interests in the outside world, organize their time, and take part in their community.


Sensorial activities are designed to reinforce the five senses and to help guide the children in learning to discriminate, classify and compare. Sensorial exercises help prepare for intellectual development in an orderly manner. They teach knowledge and understanding of the world.


The goal of the Cultural studies curriculum is to develop a global perspective. Consequently, the study of history and world cultures forms the cornerstone of the curriculum. Topics include physical geography, continents of the world, early man & ancient civilizations, American history; practical economics and citizenship.


Along with the principles of arithmetic, elementary students are introduced to the study of the fundamentals of algebra, geometry, logic, and statistics. The students also learn the practical applications of mathematics in everyday life, such as measurement, handling finances, making economic comparisons, and gathering data and statistical analyses.


Students practice reading and writing skills covering topics in science, history, geography, and the arts. Formal grammar, punctuation, word study, spelling, and sentence analysis are systematically introduced upon mastering basic reading and writing.

9:00 – 9:15 am – Circle Time

  • Opening greeting and songs
  • Current event discussion
  • Daily messages
  • Journal

9:15 am – 12:00 pm & 1:00 – 4:00 pm – Individual/Small Group Lessons & Independent Work

Activities involve group/individual participation and/or teacher demonstrations/presentations of Montessori learning activities the student may later choose to work on during individual work time:

  • Integrated half-hour of recess and Specialty Programs

12:00 – 1:00 pm – Lunch

4:00 – 5:45 pm – Enrichment

  • Half hour blocks of independent work, homework time, and/or organized games
  • Seasonal activities include Drama Club, Lego League, and piano and guitar lessons

5:45 – 6:00 pm – Group Story

Enrichment Programs

Enrichment programs are integrated into the general daily schedule, at least once a week:

computer science icon


Academic games, keyboarding and mouse functions, word processing, graphing, basic internet use, OS navigation, and computer ethics.


Lessons develop conversational skills and an appreciation for the culture of the countries where the language is spoken.


Sequential development of concepts based on the elements of music, history and style and composition and performance.
yoga icon

Physical Education & Yoga

Lessons develop fine and gross motor skills.


Lessons reinforce classroom learning through literature enrichment, author study, and library research skills.


Lessons incorporate drawing, painting, printmaking, sculpture and crafts.

Service Learning

Integrates meaningful community service with instruction and reflection to teach civic responsibility.

Field Trips & Outreach

The Elementary programs has 4-6 field trips and 3-5 outreach programs per academic year.

The purpose of these programs are to enrich and teach our students about culture, hygiene, science, our physical environment, etc.

In the past, we have visited the Maryland Science Center, National Aquarium, National Museum of Natural History, Air & Space Museum, Sharp’s Farm, Walter’s Art Gallery, Baltimore Symphony Orchestra and the Maryland Zoo.

Program Locations

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  • Learn more about how Children’s Manor and Children’s Magnet can help nurture your child’s development.
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Elementary Program

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Elementary Program

Our Elementary program seeks to develop higher-order thinking and emphasize conceptual understanding through interdisciplinary learning. With a certified Montessori Elementary teacher and small class sizes (average 14:1 student to teacher ratio), children are challenged to develop critical thought, enhance oral & presentation skills and synthesize information across various subject areas in a personalized and supportive learning environment. Through a combination of individual/small group learning and independent work using the Montessori method, children are given the foundations for success for their middle and high school years.  Continuing in a Montessori environment into the foundational Elementary years allows our students to further their academic progress and social & emotional development while working with familiar teachers who can provide individualized encouragement and support. We have been offering this Lower Elementary Program at our Ellicott City location for over two decades, and our students have been consistently performing 1-3 grade levels above peers in public schools. Ellicott City & Rockville offer Grades 1-3. Owings Mills, Baltimore, and Forest Hill offer Grade 1.[/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space height=”30px”][vc_column_text]
  • Practical Life: The purpose of the Montessori Practical Life activities is to help children develop their independence so that they may become fully capable and responsible adults. At the Elementary level this shifts from a focus on self-care and fine motor skills, to skills that help children connect with their interests in the outside world, organize their time, and take part in their community.
  • Sensorial: Sensorial activities are designed to reinforce the five senses and to help guide the children in learning to discriminate, classify and compare. Sensorial exercises help prepare for intellectual development in an orderly manner. They teach knowledge and understanding of the world.
  • Cultural Studies: The goal of the Cultural studies curriculum is to develop a global perspective. Consequently, the study of history and world cultures forms the cornerstone of the curriculum. Topics include physical geography, continents of the world, early man & ancient civilizations, American history; practical economics and citizenship.
  • Language: Students practice reading and writing skills covering topics in science, history, geography, and the arts. Formal grammar, punctuation, word study, spelling, and sentence analysis are systematically introduced upon mastering basic reading and writing.
  • Mathematics: Along with the principles of arithmetic, elementary students are introduced to the study of the fundamentals of algebra, geometry, logic, and statistics. The students also learn the practical applications of mathematics in everyday life, such as measurement, handling finances, making economic comparisons, and gathering data and statistical analyses.
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Elementary Program Available At:

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Enrichment Programs

Enrichment programs are integrated into the general daily schedule, at least once a week:[/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space height=”20px”][vc_row_inner row_type=”row” type=”full_width” text_align=”left” css_animation=””][vc_column_inner width=”1/2″][icon_text box_type=”normal” icon_type=”normal” icon_position=”left_from_title” icon_size=”fa-lg” use_custom_icon_size=”no” separator=”no” text=”Academic games, keyboarding and mouse functions, word processing, graphing, basic internet use, OS navigation, and computer ethics” image=”6812″ title=”Technology”][/vc_column_inner][vc_column_inner el_class=”library” width=”1/2″][icon_text box_type=”normal” icon_type=”normal” icon_position=”left_from_title” icon_size=”fa-2x” use_custom_icon_size=”no” separator=”no” text=”Lessons develop conversational skills and an appreciation for the culture of the countries where the language is spoken” image=”6086″ title=”Spanish”][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][vc_row_inner row_type=”row” type=”full_width” text_align=”left” css_animation=””][vc_column_inner el_class=”library” width=”1/2″][icon_text box_type=”normal” icon_type=”normal” icon_position=”left_from_title” icon_size=”fa-2x” use_custom_icon_size=”no” separator=”no” text=”Sequential development of concepts based on the elements of music, history and style and composition and performance” image=”6352″ title=”Music”][/vc_column_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/2″][icon_text box_type=”normal” icon_type=”normal” icon_position=”left_from_title” icon_size=”fa-lg” use_custom_icon_size=”no” separator=”no” text=”Lessons develop fine and gross motor skills” image=”6814″ title=”Physical Education & Yoga”][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][vc_row_inner row_type=”row” type=”full_width” text_align=”left” css_animation=””][vc_column_inner width=”1/2″][icon_text box_type=”normal” icon_type=”normal” icon_position=”left_from_title” icon_size=”fa-2x” use_custom_icon_size=”no” separator=”no” text=”Lessons reinforce classroom learning through literature enrichment, author study, and library research skills” image=”6086″ title=”Library”][/vc_column_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/2″][icon_text box_type=”normal” icon_type=”normal” icon_position=”left_from_title” icon_size=”fa-2x” use_custom_icon_size=”no” separator=”no” text=”Lessons incorporate drawing, painting, printmaking, sculpture and crafts” image=”6353″ title=”Art”][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][vc_row_inner row_type=”row” type=”full_width” text_align=”left” css_animation=””][vc_column_inner width=”1/2″][icon_text box_type=”normal” icon_type=”normal” icon_position=”left_from_title” icon_size=”fa-2x” use_custom_icon_size=”no” separator=”no” text=”Integrates meaningful community service with instruction and reflection to teach civic responsibility” image=”6087″ title=”Service Learning”][/vc_column_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/2″][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][vc_empty_space][vc_separator type=”normal”][vc_empty_space][vc_column_text]

Field Trips & Outreach

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The Elementary programs has 4-6 field trips and 3-5 outreach programs per academic year.
The purpose of these programs are to enrich and teach our students about culture, hygiene, science, our physical environment, etc. In the past, we have visited the Maryland Science Center, National Aquarium, National Museum of Natural History, Air & Space Museum, Sharp’s Farm, Walter’s Art Gallery, Baltimore Symphony Orchestra and the Maryland Zoo.[/vc_column_text][/vc_tab][vc_tab title=”Schedule” tab_id=”1572294769226-2-5″][vc_column_text]

Daily Schedule

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9:00 – 9:15 am – Circle Time
  • Opening greeting, pledge and songs
  • Current event discussion
  • Daily messages
  • Journal
9:15 am – 12:00 pm & 1:00 – 4:00 pm – Individual/Small Group Lessons & Independent Work
Activities involve group/individual participation and/or teacher demonstrations/presentations of Montessori learning activities the student may later choose to work on during individual work time: [icon_text box_type=”normal” icon_type=”normal” icon_position=”left” icon_size=”fa-lg” use_custom_icon_size=”no” title_tag=”h6″ separator=”no” text=”” image=”6086″ title=”Language”] [icon_text box_type=”normal” icon_type=”normal” icon_position=”left” icon_size=”fa-lg” use_custom_icon_size=”no” title_tag=”h6″ separator=”no” text=”” image=”6089″ title=”Mathematics”] [icon_text box_type=”normal” icon_type=”normal” icon_position=”left” icon_size=”fa-lg” use_custom_icon_size=”no” title_tag=”h6″ separator=”no” text=”” image=”6089″ title=”Science”] [icon_text box_type=”normal” icon_type=”normal” icon_position=”left” icon_size=”fa-lg” use_custom_icon_size=”no” title_tag=”h6″ separator=”no” text=”” image=”6084″ title=”Cultural Studies”]
  • Integrated half-hour of recess and Specialty Programs
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12:00 – 1:00 pm – Lunch
4:00 – 5:45 pm – Enrichment
  • Half hour blocks of independent work, homework time, and/or organized games
  • Seasonal activities include Drama Club, Lego League, and piano and guitar lessons
5:45 – 6:00 pm – Group Story
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