
Thank You

Thank you for contacting Children’s Manor/Children’s Magnet Montessori Schools (CMMS)!

A staff member from the school location you selected will contact you shortly.


If you would like to speak with someone right away, please call/email the specific school location you would like to learn more about. Contact information for each school can be found on the Locations page on our website.

Would You Like to Request a Tour?

See all Children’s Manor and Children’s Magnet has to offer by scheduling a visit with us today.


Thank you for contacting Children’s Manor/Children’s Magnet Montessori Schools (CMMS)!

A staff member from the school location you selected will contact you shortly.


If you would like to speak with someone right away, please call/email the specific school location you would like to learn more about. Contact information for each school can be found on the Locations page on our website.

Would You Like to Request a Tour?

See all Children’s Magnet has to offer by scheduling a visit with us today.